The Good Better Best Community 🤝

One of the hardest parts about working in SaaS pricing is getting help.

Most SaaS pricing teams are lean, and there’s a serious shortage of best practices to turn to for support.

As a result, many pricing operators feel like they’re on a lonely island (no — not that lonely island).

Enter Good Better Best 👋🏼

The Good Better Best Community is a sounding board for SaaS pricing operators. Our goal is singular — to help you advance your career in pricing.

Member benefits include:

  • A private community of pricing professionals to connect with and learn from.

  • Every issue of the GBB newsletter, including weekly community roundups.

  • A library of resources (templates, frameworks, and guides) to improve your skills.

  • Regular commentary on pricing news and trends

We’re coming out of the gates hot, with pricing leaders from Google, Hubspot, Toast, Okta, and Calendly on board.

Becoming a member 🪪

The Good Better Best community costs $10 monthly or $100 annually. We also offer a 20% discount for teams.

Having watched SaaS pricing operators struggle firsthand, we believe if GBB can help answer one question or settle a single internal tiebreaker over the course of the year, it will be well worth it (plus, we hope you can expense it 🙂).

Become a Member